"In the very near future, cyber security exercises
are going to be absolutely expected
of all companies by regulators"
Information has become the most valuable intelectual property for all organisations. The number of the IT security breaches is increasing in an extraordinary level each year both in the private and in the public vertical - this is supported very much by those megatrends (like mobility, cloud computing or IoT) that we consider as the 4th industrial revolution. High number of the external threats will become a breach through these megatrends resulting in possible solid loss in IP or actual dollars threatening even for the largest global enterprises. Our objective is to quantify the real digital risk for our customers and to demonstrate the identified IT risks and the associated solutions. Datron as the specialist of digital data & system protection we target to prepare our customers for becoming resistant against the constantly changing threat landscape.
Our seasoned consultants and specialists have been trained since 1996 and acquired the most relevant industrial certificates and have earned significant operational experience in solid projects of various fields (penetration testing, legal/ethical hacking, risk assessment, design and architecture planning etc.). Beside the complex value added security consultancy field our customers can rely on our project management, system integration and on architecture design capabilities even for the most complex IT security infrastructure - by considering the most relevant and current landscape of risks and threats.
We take our customer’s expectations into consideration first and most importantly in order to prepare tailored proposals for the particular needs. This way we ensure long lasting resiliency across the entire organisation.
Tailored ITS solutions, professional services, innovative technologies.
Best of breed quality.
Solution taxonomy